Att göra – Palatset i Knossos
Det antika palatset i Knossos är full av historia och mystik med en stark koppling till grekisk mytologi. Det är en gåtfull arkeologisk plats som ligger cirka 20 minuter söder om dagens Heraklion på den grekiska ön Kreta. Palatset Knossos har en historia som går tillbaka till 1900 f.Kr. och tros ha varit den minoiska civilisationens ceremoniella och politiska centrum. Knossos anses också av vissa ha varit den första staden i Europa.
Palatset Knossos är starkt förknippat med den grekiska myten om Minotauren, en varelse som till hälften var en människa och till hälften en tjur fängslad i en labyrint på uppdrag av kung Minos och byggd av den berömda arkitekten Daedalus. Palatset är också kopplat till berättelsen om Daedalus och Ikaros.
Bevis tyder på att området kring palatset Knossos först bebyggdes av människor under den neolitiska perioden runt 7000 f.Kr. Själva palatset byggdes 1900 f.Kr. och förstördes på mystiskt sätt runt 1380-1100 f.Kr. Ruinerna lämnades övergivna tills de upptäcktes, grävdes ut och restaurerades i början av 1900-talet av ett team ledd av den brittiske arkeologen Arthur Evans.
Våra tips – Palatset i Knossos

E-tickets and audio tours for Minoan gems of Heraklion
Enjoy a visit to the the Palace of Knossos and to the Heraklion Archaeological Museum with a combo e-ticket and 2 audio tours on your phone
en, it, fr, es, de

Tour of Knossos Palace and Heraklion museum from Chania
Enjoy a tour of the Knossos Palace and Heraklion museum from Chania onboard of a premium-class vehicle and relax during a traditional Cretan wine tasting.
en, fr, de, ru, nl

Knossos Palace e-ticket with audio tour on your phone
Book your Knossos Palace e-ticket and discover the most iconic attraction of Crete with a compelling digital audio tour on your smartphone.
en, it, fr, es, de

Tour of Knossos Palace and Museum with wine routes tour of Heraklion
Discover Knossos Palace and Heraklion museum from Heraklion onboard of a premium-class vehicle and enjoy a traditional Cretan wine tasting.
en, fr, de, ru, nl

E-tickets and audio tours for Minoan gems of Heraklion
Enjoy a visit to the the Palace of Knossos and to the Heraklion Archaeological Museum with a combo e-ticket and 2 audio tours on your phone
en, it, fr, es, de

Tour of Knossos Palace and Heraklion museum from Chania
Enjoy a tour of the Knossos Palace and Heraklion museum from Chania onboard of a premium-class vehicle and relax during a traditional Cretan wine tasting.
en, fr, de, ru, nl

Knossos Palace e-ticket with audio tour on your phone
Book your Knossos Palace e-ticket and discover the most iconic attraction of Crete with a compelling digital audio tour on your smartphone.
en, it, fr, es, de

Tour of Knossos Palace and Museum with wine routes tour of Heraklion
Discover Knossos Palace and Heraklion museum from Heraklion onboard of a premium-class vehicle and enjoy a traditional Cretan wine tasting.
en, fr, de, ru, nl

VIP Zeus Cave and Knossos Palace Private Tour from Heraklion and Elounda
Discover Knossos Palace and the Cave of Zeus from Heraklion and Elounda during this tailored-made private tour.
en, fr, de, ru, nl

Private tour of Knossos Palace and Cretan villages from Chania
Discover Knossos Palace and the Cretan villages privately during this VIP tour with pick-up from Chania.

Knossos Palace and Heraklion foodie tour with transportation
Set off on your very own Cretan adventure with a guided tour around the marvelous Knossos Palace and a delicious food tasting experience.

Private tour of Knossos Palace and Cretan villages from Heraklion
Discover Knossos Palace and the Cretan villages thanks to this private tour with guide and skip-the-line accesses to the archaeological areas.
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Palatset i Knossos
Omdömen Palatset i Knossos
“We spent a very short time at Knossos the main reason for the excudion. So much if the oakace we didn't see. Our guidewas knowledgeable but rushed us round. 3 hours in Heraklion was about 1.5 hours too long. Add time at Knossos.”
“Knossos Palace was interesting, but crowded and expectations should be set around how much there actually is to see. Entrance fee is only 15 Euros. The "tour" of Heraklion was more here is a fountain see you back here in a couple of hours. Description of trip also mentioned a market but this didn't really materialise. So trip did feel a bit expensive for what it was.”
“Prompt pickup. Excellent, knowledgeable guide. Value for money.”
“Maria was extremely knowledgeable and her enthusiasm made for a very memorable day. Learned so much from this trip and will enjoy researching further.”