Embark on a journey through the mythical heart of Athens, followed by an indulgence in the city's finest culinary delights. This guided tour spans approximately 5.5 hours and includes a visit to the Acropolis and a food tour.
Your adventure begins at the city's most significant landmark - the majestic Acropolis. Here, you'll explore the temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, and the magnificent Parthenon. Delve into the myths that surround these ancient structures, immersing yourself in their rich history.
The journey continues as you venture off the beaten path to areas known amongst locals as 'the belly of Athens'. These gastronomic hotspots offer an opportunity to savor an assortment of delectable Greek specialties. From traditional tapas and succulent souvlaki to mouth-wateringly sweet treats, your taste buds are in for a treat.